Walnut Apartment Nagyszeben
Románia - 550131 Nagyszeben, Strada Arad 36.[térképen]A szálláshely
We have a spacious garden with grass and flowers and the apartment is cozy. We have a very old walnut tree and well we all love. Our apartment has a kitchen, a bathroom and a large bedroom.
Guest access
Parking at the front gate. Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen. Towels and soap are provided. Hairdryer Free high-speed Wi-Fi internet. Smart TV Clean&fresh high quality bed for a comfortable sleep The guests can drink the coffee on the porch or relax in the garden.
Guest interaction
One set of keys will be provided to the guest. I will be happy to help with any plans and recommendations in regards to attractions and what to see, restaurants and pubs, night life. My phone will be available at all times for any requests.
Neighborhood overview
Our apartment is located in a houses neighborhood and is nice and away from the main street noise. Very quick to get to down town - 5 min by car and 10-15 min nice walk. Supermarket and the town main fruit and vegetable market are in our neighborhood.
Getting around
There is public transport a few streets away. Taxi's are very cheep - about 2 euro to downtown.
Walnut Apartment
Fürdőszobák: 1 db • Televízió • Wi-Fi • Felszerelt konyha • Hűtőszekrény • Fűtés
We have a spacious garden with grass and flowers and the apartment is cozy. We have a very old walnut tree and a well we all love. Our apartment has a kitchen, a bathroom and a large bedroom.
- Teljesen akadálymentesített
- Ellátás: önellátó
- Zárt parkoló
- Füves udvar, kert
Jellemzően a teljes szállásdíj 50%-ának megfizetése szükséges a foglalás biztosításához.